Brady Billing Blog
The Appeal of Being an In-Network Provider for Sleep Apnea Patients
July 9, 2020

As a professional who offers sleep apnea treatment and receives medical billing services for dentists, you want to stand out among the competition, right? Apart from the knowledge, training, and expertise you possess, you want to make receiving high-quality therapy to be a stress-free, seamless process. But how can you do it? What can you offer to potential clients that will have them coming back and referring you to others in need? Read on to find out why becoming an in-network provider will make you a more appealing choice for future patients.
(more…)How to Ease the Billing Burden When Short-Staffed Due to COVID-19
June 22, 2020

Are you short-staffed because of COVID-19? Do you and those in your dental office find it difficult to keep up with the day-to-day responsibilities surrounding billing and insurance? If so, it may be time to consider how a third-party company can lower your stress and allow you and your team to focus more on your patients and less on filing paperwork and claims on their behalf. Read on to learn how sleep apnea medical billing for dentists by an outside company like Brady Billing can not only benefit your practice in the long run but also help you during this difficult and uncertain time.
(more…)In-House vs. Third-Party Medical Billing: Pros and Cons
June 12, 2020

As a dentist who is preparing to offer sleep apnea treatment to patients in need, you are likely trying to determine how best to handle your medical billing. While there are benefits of keeping it in-house with your current administrative staff, there are also advantages of letting a third-party company handle all the ins and outs. So how do you choose? Spend a few minutes weighing the pros and cons of each option so that you can make a well-informed decision as to how and who should handle your sleep medicine billing process.
(more…)Why Do Insurance Claims Get Denied?
May 15, 2020

Wondering why your patient’s medical insurance company denied their claim? Trying to figure out what you should do to help them get the treatment they need to improve their health and sleep patterns? Before you watch your client walk away in search of another dentist who can provide care, let a third-party medical billing company explain the process and what they can do to help both you and your patient.
(more…)Why Bill Medical Insurance for Sleep Apnea?
April 15, 2020

You’ve decided to start offering sleep apnea treatment to your patients, which is a great addition to your practice, but are you aware that you will need to incorporate medical billing processes for successful treatment? If this is a new concept for you and your team, you’re not alone. Although it might seem illogical to file medical insurance for sleep apnea instead of dental, it’s important that you understand why this is necessary in order for your patients to be covered for treatment.
(more…)How Can I Successfully Incorporate Sleep Apnea Treatment into My Practice?
March 21, 2020

Opting to incorporate a new service into your dental practice should take a lot of thought, research, and perseverance. Not only should you consider the pros and cons, but you should also speak to experts in the field who have successfully integrated sleep apnea treatment into their own practice. With so many individuals suffering from this common disorder, it is likely that you already have a current client base who could benefit from this type of service, so what should you do? To better understand the process and better prepare yourself for the possibility of adding sleep apnea treatment to your practice, check out these helpful tips that will put you on the right path.
(more…)How You Can Get Started with Brady Billing
February 8, 2020

If you are a dental professional who provides sleep apnea therapy for patients in your area, you’re aware of how medical insurance plays into the process. Whether your staff is trying to come up to speed on new policies, rules, and regulations, you may be wondering if hiring a company that handles medical billing for dentists would be easier. The truth is that a third-party company like Brady Billing can remove the stress and confusion that can come with medical insurance companies, allowing you and your staff to continue doing what you do best – helping your patients! To find out how you can get started with Brady Billing, spend a few minutes reading through the steps and learn how easy it can be to make the switch.
(more…)What is the Timeframe for Receiving a Pre-Authorization?
January 21, 2020

When patients arrive in your office for sleep apnea treatment, they want to know that no matter what type of therapy they receive, it will be covered by their medical insurance company. To make the process easier for both you and your patients, it’s important that a pre-authorization is received before moving forward with any type of care. But how long can it take? To answer this, let a group of professionals better explain the process so you are prepared to address any questions your patients might have about their treatment.
(more…)How Long Does the Medical Billing Verification Process Take?
January 10, 2020

The medical billing verification process can be one of two things: easy or hard. It’s as simple as that. Depending on the patient’s medical insurance provider, it may only require filling out an online form. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Soon, your staff is left jumping through hoops and attempting to trudge through the intricate details put forth by these insurance companies that you might find yourself looking for a professional for help. Fortunately, the process for verification doesn’t have to be so difficult, especially when using a trusted third-party billing company. Read on to learn more about the medical billing verification process, so you and your staff can better assist your patients should they have questions.
(more…)Discover the Benefits of Outsourcing Your Medical Billing
December 23, 2019

You and your staff have a lot on your plate. Not only are you busy servicing your patient’s dental needs, but you’re also working to keep operations moving smoothly, eliminating and preventing as many hiccups along the way. When making the decision to incorporate sleep apnea treatment into your practice, this adds a layer of additional training – medical billing for sleep apnea, and the reality is, you may not want your front office staff to take on such a complicated and time-consuming venture. So, what do you do? Find out why it is your best interest to outsource your medical billing to a third-party company.