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Medical Billing Software Isn’t Necessary with Brady Billing

March 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — bradybilling @ 5:20 pm

Brady Billing doesn’t use medical billing software when billing patients.When it comes to billing patients and insurance companies, your office needs to stay well organized to simplify the process. Often, when you choose companies that offer medical billing for dental services, they try to get you to purchase their software. While it may seem like there are benefits to adding the software to your office, it is not necessary. In fact, it increases the cost of the service and creates a challenge for your office staff. Brady Billing simplifies the billing process because you do not need medical billing software. We offer an affordable and effective solution to keep track of patient information.

Benefit from a Simpler Approach

Now, the world of medical billing relies on electronically transmitted information, which is why many dental offices choose a computerized billing system. While there are advantages to the software, it also comes with various disadvantages.

When you purchase a new software, you are looking at an increased cost for your dental office. Not only do you have to pay for the software upfront, but technology is constantly evolving. As a result, the software will need updated frequently.

When introducing any new software to your office, your staff must be trained to use it. This causes productivity to decrease while also adding to in-office stress levels as your staff tries to adjust. With each new update, this problem will reappear as they try to navigate the latest version of the program.

Much of the software medical billing companies recommend are rather complex. Although they may get the job done, it is not without headache, hassle, and additional cost you do not necessarily need.

Brady Billing resolves the issues you face when managing patient information. We do not require you to purchase any new software. Instead, we make it easy with email and Excel documentation to remain current with client information. This makes it easy for your staff to find and update patient information to bill for services. There is no need for extensive or ongoing training. Plus, it is a more cost-effective solution because you do not need to purchase anything or pay for updates.

Enjoy Hassle-Free Medical Billing

At Brady Billing, we understand the complexity of medical billing for a dentist. We strive to make the process easier. With our medical billing services, we handle the billing procedures, including verifications, pre-authorizations, and pre-determinations. We use electronic claims to manage insurance approvals while also handling denials, appeals, and fee negotiations. Our professional services save you valuable time and money so you and your staff can better allocate resources elsewhere, like patient care.

If you are looking for a simplified approach to medical billing, Brady Billing offers the resources you need. We work to ensure your dental practice stays organized while enhancing efficiency through comprehensive solutions.

To benefit from a hassle-free approach, contact our office today for a free consultation with Brady Billing. We will help you discover your options while keeping your best interests in mind.


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